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Open Research


The Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC) stays abreast of new scholarly communication tools, techniques, policies and practices for the University. The OSC works closely with the Research Support Librarians to support researcher and administrative training and compliance with Open Access and Research Data policies.

The OSC is located in the University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR. 

For general enquiries to the OSC please email

For technical support please email

If you have questions about depositing or accessing University of Cambridge theses contact:



Phone: Due to hybrid working there may be occasions when the team is unavailable to receive calls so we recommend that you e-mail us to schedule a call.

Office of Scholarly Communication

Dr Sacha Jones - Head of Open Research Services

Lynne Meehan - Research Services Manager

Dr Samuel Moore - Scholarly Communication Specialist

Nicola Swann - Open Research Administrator

Open Access Team

Alexia Sutton - Open Access Service Manager

Dr Debbie Hansen - Senior Open Access Adviser

Katherine Burchell - Scholarly Communication Support

Phillipa Grimstone - Scholarly Communication Support

Jorge Ortega-Giménez - Scholarly Communication Support

Tony Malone - Scholarly Communication Assistant

For general Open Access enquiries please contact the Open Access Team:



Phone: Due to hybrid working there may be occasions when the team is unavailable to receive calls so we recommend that you e-mail us to schedule a call.

If you have a manuscript to deposit please go to

Research Data Management Team

Clair Castle - Research Data Manager

Dr Kim Clugston - Research Data Coordinator

Dr Muhammad Lutfi Bin Othman - Research Data Coordinator

If you have questions about research data management or how to make your research data publicly available please contact the Research Data Team:



Phone: Due to hybrid working there may be occasions when the team is unavailable to receive calls so we recommend that you e-mail us to schedule a call.

Open Research Systems Team (Digital Initiatives)

Dr Agustina Martínez-García - Head of Open Research Systems 

Peter Sutton-Long - Repository Manager

Research Support Librarians

Tom Sykes - School of Arts & Humanities

Lucy Woolhouse - School of the Biological Sciences

Veronica Phillips - School of Clinical Medicine

George Cronin - School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Jo Milton - School of Physical Sciences

Lizzie Sparrow - School of Technology