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The University of Cambridge is committed to complying with UK Export Control law. These rules seek to prevent exporting the following out of the UK, if they are designed for, or could be used for, military purposes or contribute towards the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): 

  • Goods 
  • Technology 
  • Software 

In an academic context, Export Control is most likely to be relevant to research that could be used for military or WMD applications.  

There is more detailed information on the Export Control website. 

Export Control overview 

The University of Cambridge has committed to complying with UK Export Control legislation. It is essential to ensure that specific research materials are not exported from the UK to unauthorized parties. This material includes goods, technology, or software. In an academic context, Export Control affects research for military or WMD use.   

There is more detailed information on the Export Control website.  

Export control and open research 

Export control does not affect a researcher's ability to openly share their research. It matters only where the University mediates access, e.g., through embargoes. Material in the public domain is exempt from export control, though copyright rules apply.  

What should researchers do about Export Control when sharing their work on Apollo?  

  • Select ‘Yes - export control applies” on the Symplectic Elements deposit form when asked if an embargo is needed.  
  • Consider if you could make your research outputs open in Apollo, rather than, say, under embargo or controlled access.  
  • Consider whether to approve access requests for your item if it is embargoed in Apollo and is subject to Export Control.