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There are now many publishing options for practitioners and researchers working in the area of scholarly communication. The list below is not comprehensive but does provide a starting point.

LISSA (LIS Scholarship Archive Preprints)

An open scholarly platform for library and information science.


A platform for librarians, archivists and other information professionals to showcase their work prior to publication and receive feedback from their peers.

Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication

Published by Pacific University Libraries on a continual basis


JLSC is particularly interested in the intersection of librarianship and publishing, and the resulting roles for libraries in both content dissemination and content creation. Related areas of interest include: new methods for the creation, dissemination and exchange of information; the theory and practice of the organization, use and curation of information; and issues related to the review, credentialing, reputation and impact of scholarly work.

Author guidelines

Submissions should be between 3,000-6,000 words, though exceptions will be considered.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes


Published by UKSG three times a year in electronic-only format, in March (copy deadline 1st January), July (copy deadline 1st May) and November (copy deadline 1st September).


Insights: the UKSG journal aims to support UKSG's mission to connect the information community and encourage the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication, specifically to:

  • provide a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas between the many stakeholders in the global knowledge community
  • disseminate news, information and publications, and raise awareness of services that support the scholarly information sector.

Our editorial policy is to inform and stimulate debate about topical issues and provide a forum for debate. Issues contain a mix of articles written by librarians, publishers, vendors, academics and other industry experts. We welcome submissions of research articles and case studies from the scholarly information sector, along with commissioning content such as conference reviews, editorial comment and features on people in the global knowledge community. 

Author guidelines

Submissions of research papers should be no longer than 4,000 words. Case studies, commentaries, reviews and opinion pieces should be no longer than 3,000 words. These limits include all referencing and citation. All submissions should include an abstract of up to 200 words in addition to the main word count.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes

LIBER Quarterly

Published in electronic-only format four times a year by LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries which is supported by Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals


LIBER Quarterly is a peer reviewed, open access journal which seeks to cover all aspects of modern research librarianship and scientific information delivery. It strives to form a bridge between the scholars of the Library and Information Sciences (LIS) and the practitioners in our university and research libraries by publishing not only theoretical contributions, but also examples of good practices. It will achieve this by publishing not only theoretical contributions, but also descriptions of examples of good practices.LIBER has always been conscious of the huge problems encountered by its library members who want to offer their users a high-quality selection of scientific journals, corresponding to their professional needs, but hampered by the limitations of their library budget. For this reason LIBER has from the beginning fostered Open Access solutions, and with this journal it takes up its responsibility by offering a rigorous European and Open Access journal in the domain of information sciences and librarianship.

Author guidelines

LIBER Quarterly publishes Articles, Review Papers, Case Studies and Book Reviews

Open Access? APC Green OA Peer reviewed?
Yes  None Publisher pdf permitted Yes

College and Research Libraries

Published by the Association of College & Research Libraries bimonthly, electronic only


College & Research Libraries includes articles in all fields of interest and concern to academic and research libraries. Well-written manuscripts on all aspects of academic and research librarianship will be considered. The focus of the journal is on reports of original research. Manuscripts may also include descriptive narratives of successful and unsuccessful ventures, thoughtful discussions of issues in librarianship, and other suitable subjects.

Author guidelines

Although longer works may be considered, 3,000- to 6,000-word manuscripts are most suitable.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes

Data Science Journal

Published by Ubiquity Press for CODATA


The CODATA Data Science Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and databases across all research domains, including science, technology, the humanities and the arts. The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their implementations and their publication, applications, infrastructures, software, legal, reproducibility and transparency issues, the availability and usability of complex datasets, and with a particular focus on the principles, policies and practices for open data.

Author guidelines

Research Papers  should be no more than 8,000 words in length. Practice Papers, Data articles, Reviews and should be no longer than 3,000 words in length, including referencing and citation.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer Reviewed?
Yes £200 data articles, £350 all other article types Final pdf Yes

Library and Information Research

Published by the Library and Information Research Group (CILIP) three times a year in Spring, Summer and Winter. The copy dates for refereed papers are 31st December, 30th April and 31st August respectively


LIR's focus is on "research into practice". LIR has the following objectives:
- To publish research in such a way that it is accessible to, and usable by, the LIS community;
- To encourage reporting of research (including informal or in-house research) by practitioners;
- To encourage reflective and evidence-based practice;
- To publish papers resulting from LIRG annual awards and prizes;
- To promote the use and understanding of quality research methods;
- To raise awareness of new tools, books and funding opportunities for research;
- To provide an overview of research activity and developments in the UK and Ireland;
- To comment, and provide a forum for comment, on the state of LIS research.

Author guidelines

Refereed papers and Articles are usually between 2,000 and 7,000 words. 

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes - Research Articles

Journal of Electronic Publishing

Published three times a year by Michigan Publishing in the University of Michigan Library


The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is an open access journal that publishes research and discussion about contemporary publishing practices, and the impact of those practices upon users. Our contributors and readers are publishers, scholars, librarains, journalists, student, technologists, attorneys, and others with an interest in the methods and means of contemporary publishing.

Author guidelines

The majority of JEP issues are focused around a theme and tied to a specific Call for Papers, however unsolicited articles can be submitted.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes None publisher's pdf permitted Yes

Scholarly and Research Communication

Published by Simon Fraser University


Scholarly and Research Communication is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, Open Access online journal that publishes original contributions to the understanding of production, dissemination, and usage of knowledge. It emphasizes the dynamics of representation and changing organizational elements, including technologically mediated workflows, ownership, and legal structures.

Author guidelines

Articles should be a maximum of 6,000 words, Field Notes a maximum of 5,000 words and Book Reviews a maximum of 1,500 words.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes

International Journal of Digital Curation

Published by University of Edinburgh for the Digital Curation Centre


The IJDC publishes peer-reviewed papers, articles and editorials on digital curation, research data management and related issues. Peer-reviewed papers cover original research supported by significant evidence.

Papers address policy, strategic, operational, experimental, infrastructural, or tool-based aspects of digital data and other objects of value to research, cultural heritage or society. General articles are descriptive of some relevant event, activity, research project in progress, or approach. They may present a proposal for an architecture, an implementation, a service, or a project, for example. General articles may also be opinion pieces, reviews, or surveys of existing work in some particular area.

The journal is published in electronic form on a rolling basis, with content collected into two issues a year.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Yes None AAM after embargo Yes

Journal of E-science Librarianship

Published by University of Massachusetts Medical School


The Journal of eScience Librarianship (JESLIB) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that advances the theory and practice of librarianship with a special focus on services related to data-driven research in the physical, biological, social, and medical sciences, including public health. JESLIB explores the many roles of librarians in supporting eScience and welcomes articles by contributors from all areas of the globe related to education, outreach, collaborations, policy, tools, and best practices. Submissions covering both theoretical and practical applications are welcomed.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes

F1000 - The Future of Scholarly Publishing

Published by F1000 Research Ltd, which is a member of Science Navigation Group


The digital age has seen the scholarly publishing landscape evolve. With the move from paper to pixels, the ways in which researchers share scientific results is transforming to coincide with today's techological advances. This channel includes article on relevant topic around the developments in scholarly publishing such as peer review, the use of impact metrics in research asssessment, reproducibility, scientific culture and the mechanisms by which scientific knowledge is disseminated and assessed.

Author guidelines

Short articles are up to 1000 words, medium articles are 1000-2500 words, long articles are over 2500 words


Open Access? APC Green OA Peer reviewed?

Up to 1000 words USD150
1000-2500 words USD500
Over 2500 words USD1000

publisher pdf permitted yes

portal: Libraries and the Academy

Published by Johns Hopkins University Press


Focusing on important research about the role of academic libraries and librarianship, portal also features commentary on issues in technology and publishing. Written for all those interested in the role of libraries within the academy, portal includes peer-reviewed articles addressing subjects such as library administration, information technology, and information policy.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted  Yes

Ariadne, web magazine for information professionals

The target audience for Ariadne is librarians, museum curators, archivists and associated technical staff and managers.

Author guidelines

Being an online journal page length and word count are not set in stone, but we find that articles between 2,000 and 4,000 words are usually about the right balance between deatil and readability.

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted  Yes


Publications is an international, open access journal on scholarly publishing published quarterly online by MDPI. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 31 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in 2016).


Publications provides an advanced forum for studies related to all aspects of academic, scholarly, and professional publishing. Our aim is to encourage scholars and publishing professionals to publish their research and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Yes Publication is a new journal and publication fees are fully waived for papers submitted in 2017. However, a fee of 250 CHF may apply for those articles that need major editing and formatting and/or English editing. Final pdf permitted  Yes

Learned Publishing

Published by Wiley for the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers


Learned Publishing publishes peer reviewed research, reviews, industry updates and opinions on all aspects of schoalrly communication and publishing. Written and published for everyone involved with scholarly and professional communications, our readership includes publishers, vendors, librarians, academics and researchers from around the world. 

Author guidelines

Original research articles are to be between 3,000 and 6,000 words long. Industry updates and case studies should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words.Opinion peices should be 1,000 - 4,000 words.

Open Access APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?

£1400 for ALPSP members,
£1900 for non members

AAM after 12 or 24 month embargo depending on funder Yes

The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Published by Elsevier


The Journal of Academic Librarianship, an international and refereed journal, publishes articles that focus on problems and issues germane to college and university libraries. JAL provides a forum for authors to present research findings and, where applicable, their practical applications and significance; analyze policies, practices, issues, and trends; speculate about the future of academic librarianship; present analytical bibliographic essays and philosophical treatises.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Hybrid journal USD1100 AAM after embargo Yes

The Journal of Scholarly Publishing

Published by University of Toronto Press


Journal of Scholarly Publishing targets the unique issues facing the scholarly publishing industry today. It is the indispensable resource for academics and publishers that addresses the new challenges resulting from changes in technology, funding and innovations in publishing.  In serving the wide-ranging interests of the international academic publishing community, JSP provides a balanced look at the issues and concerns, from solutions to everyday publishing problems to commentary on the philosophical questions at large.

Author guidelines

Open Access APC Green OA Peer Reviewed?
Hybrid journal  USD3000 AAM after embargo Yes

D-Lib magazine

Please note: Corporation for National Research Initiatives suspended routine publication of D-Lib Magazine with the July/August 2017 issue.

Produced by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives six times a year in electronic only format


D-Lib Magazine is an electronic publication with a focus on digital library research and development, including new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues. D-Lib Magazine appeals to a broad technical and professional audience. The primary goal of the magazine is timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community to help digital libraries be a broad interdisciplinary field, and not a set of specialties that know little of each other.

Author guidelines

We prefer articles that are 1,500-5,000 words in length but in certain circumstances we accept articles of up to 10,000 words in length. They should be in English or accompanied by an English translation. We suggest that Conference Reports be 1,000-3,000 words in length. "In Brief" items should be a maximum length of 500 words.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes-Editorial team

Journal of New Librarianship


The Journal of New Librarianship is a peer-reviewed, diamond Open Access journal which publishes both tradtitional and unestablished forms of scholarly and professional communication related to any aspect of librarianship. They accept submissions of scholarly articles, datasets, media, book reviews, technology reviews, digital project reviews, column pieces, conference reviews and interviews. All content is free to read and free to publish with submissions accepted on a rolling basis.

Author guidelines

As well as the above the Journal of New Librarianship accepts extended scholarly articles (15,000+ words) and essays.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted Yes



PLOS One is the world's first Open Access multidiscipinary journal. In contrast to other journals it doesn not look at the novelty of a particular piece of research but instead focuses on the strength of the methodology, ethical standards and conclusions. It accepts a range of article types including original research systematic reviews, qualitative results and submissions outlining negative results.

Author guidelines

Authors are strongly encouraged to read the guidelines for submission carefully to ensure that their work fits the criteria.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes USD1595 - USD3000 Final pdf permitted Yes



PeerJ is a fully Open Access, peer reviewed journal which publishes research articles in the biological, medical and environmental sciences. It chooses content based on the merits of the article rather than the perceived novelty of the piece and published all content under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) to encourage further research.

Author guidelines

PeerJ offers authors manuscript templates and guidance in order to help submissions through the review process.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?


(Dependent on the institution)

Final pdf permitted Yes

Collaborative Librarianship


Collaborative Librarianship is an open online journal with peer reviewed content which focuses on scholarship around collaboration and sharing of resources/expertise in the library community. Topics include (but are not limited to) consortia, public-private partnerships, the history of library collaboration and library-to-library cooperation. Authors retain the copyright to their work which is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-ND unless othersied requested by the authors.

Author guidelines

Collaborative Librarianship offers guidance for authors on both article formatting and the submission process in general.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?


Final pdf permitted Yes

Journal of Altmetrics


The Journal of Altmetrics focuses on the latest research and developments in Altmetrics including the development of altmetrics research indicators, using altmetrics data to inform decision making and the use of altmetrics in scholarly communication. Articles are made openly available upon publication under a Creative Commons license agreement.

Author guidelines

Detailed guidance on the accepted article types and formatting can be found on the website.

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?


Final pdf permitted Yes



Partnership is the Canadian journal of library and information practice and research. It is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research, opinion pieces and reviews relating to librarianship and information science. 

Author guidelines

Partnership accepts a variety of formats, detailed on their website. 

Open Access? APC Green OA? Peer reviewed?
Yes None Final pdf permitted


Other possible options

First Monday


First Monday is one of the first openly accessible, peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. 




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