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Scholarly communication is a large and potentially confusing topic for both researchers and librarians. Library staff supporting the research community need to build their knowledge of this area but it can be hard to find the time to do this in addition to other competing priorities.

The OSC has prepared a series of short videos which cover the essential topics librarians need to know in around three minutes. Each Research in 3 Minutes video covers a core concept such as the publication lifecycle, Research Data Management or Text and Data Mining (with more titles forthcoming).  So sit back, relax and select a video below to learn about research support in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee!



Research in 3 Minutes video card

Introduction (0:53)

Introducing our Research in 3 Minutes videos - keep up to date with the latest topics in research support in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee.



Resaerch lifecycle in 3 minutes video card

Research lifecycle (3:14)

In this video we explore the research lifecycle and the different ways in which librarians can offer support to their research community.

Publication lifecycle in 3 minutes video card

Publication lifecycle (2:47)

In this video we look at the publication lifecycle and the different stages that researchers must go through in order to publish their work.

Peer review in 3 minutes video card

Peer review (3:06)

In this video we explore the little understood world of peer review, what it is, who does it and some alternatives to the current system.

Predatory publishers video card

Predatory publishers (3:28)

In this video we explore the concept of predatory publishers, what they are and how to avoid them.

Data management

RDM in 3 minutes video card

Research data management (3:18)

In this video we look at research data management or RDM, an increasingly important part of a research project.

DMPs in 3 minutes video card

Data management plans (2:55)

In this video we explore the data management plans and the different ways in which librarians can offer support to their research community.

Open Access


Open Access in 3 minutes video card

Open Access (3:13)

In this video we explore Open Access and look at how it can be used to make the results of research accessible to the wider world.

Plan S in 3 minutes video card

Plan S (3:03)

In this video we explore Plan S, its principles and how librarians can best support their researchers with implementation.

TDM in 3 minutes video card

Text and Data Mining (3:20)

In this video we look at text and data mining (TDM) which allows researchers to electronically explore previously hidden connections in large volumes of material.


Creative Commons in 3 Minutes slide

Creative Commons licences (3:11)

In this video we explore Creative Commons licences, their different elements and how to select the right one for your needs.


Metrics in 3 minutes video card

Metrics (3:14)

In this video we look at metrics, which allow researchers to measure the impact of their work on the wider community.

Responsible metrics in 3 minutes video card

Responsible metrics (3:19)

In this video we explore the move towards a responsible use of metrics for assessment and different methods of valuing the researcher and their work.

All of the videos can also be found on our Research in 3 Minutes YouTube playlist.

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